Купити Набір для проведення досвіду «Ланцюгова реакція полімеризації» 87288 3B Scientific » labtime.ua
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Набір для проведення досвіду «Ланцюгова реакція полімеризації»

Виробник: 3B Scientific
Модель: 87288
Наявність: Под заказ
Артикул: 1005879

  • 8622 грн.

Доставка кур'єром по Києву та області

Вартість доставки – від 80 грн. (залежно від габаритів та ваги)

Перевізником по Україні

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Набір для проведення досвіду «Ланцюгова реакція полімеризації»
This experiment for 6 lab groups introduces students to the principles, practice and applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) without the need for a PCR machine! Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has had an extraordinary impact on various aspects of biotechnology. With PCR, DNA can be amplified and studied. Since the first application of PCR (using the Klenow fragment) to detect sickle cell anaemia, a large number of diagnostic tests have been developed. PCR has made amplification of DNA an alternate approach to cloning experiments. It is used in genome projects in DNA mapping and DNA sequencing. PCR amplification is also being applied to forensic and paternity determination, as well as determination of evolutionary relationships. This simulation experiment does not contain human DNA and does not require a thermal cycler. It is complete in 45 minutes. Kit includes: Ready-to- LoadTM DNA samples, UltraspecTM agarose powder, practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, Instastain Methylene Blue and Methylene Blue PlusTM stain, calibrated pipet, 100 ml graduated cylinder and microtipped transfer pipettes. All you need: Electrophoresis Station (W48923), automatic micropipette and tips, balance, microwave or hot plate.
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